Andrew, I have most of your apps, but I am DESPERATE for me to get help with two areas: compulsive nailbiting is one. The other is fear of singing on stage --- This one is pretty recent since an accident that put me out of the southern gospel music scene for several years. I was doing very well, then, just overnight I was unable to get my breath control back because of pain being so bad. Im over the injury, but the fear of messing up is still with me. Hypnosis may be my last hope. Can you create subliminal recordings that deal with these problems? I feel that all my training, my sense of my singing ability, and my chances to succeed in the music career I have prepared for so long, are going to amount to nothing if I cant get some help. If you can create hypnotic recordings that help me, I would be truly grateful. My dream can come true if I can just get over this crazy, incapacitating stagefright and general anxiety. In a word, Andrew, youre the best and I need your help.
Praying that youll say yes, and help me to get my life back.
You can contact me at alnilamh[at]yahoo [dot] com.